The NUS Scholarships are highly coveted scholarships awarded to high calibre individuals who demonstrate academic excellence, present excellent co-...
Student Level: a Polytechnic Student, an 'A' Level / IB / NUS High Student
Nationality: Singapore Citizen
Tenable Universities / Institutions: NUS
Term: Full Term
Locations: Singapore

The ASEAN Undergraduate Scholarship is a freshmen scholarship offered to support outstanding students from ASEAN member countries (excluding Singap...
Student Level: Any Other Year 12 Equivalent Qualifications Student
Nationality: Singapore PR, Other Citizen
Tenable Universities / Institutions: NUS
Term: Full Term
Locations: Singapore

The Lee Kuan Yew Scholarship to Encourage Upgrading (LKY-STEP) Award was made possible by Mr Lee Kuan Yew, who donated the proceeds from the sales...
Student Level: a Polytechnic Student
Nationality: Singapore Citizen, Singapore PR
Tenable Universities / Institutions: NTU, NUS, SIT, SMU, SUTD
Term: Full Term
Locations: Singapore

The NUS Scholarships are highly coveted scholarships awarded to high calibre individuals who demonstrate academic excellence, present excellent co-...
Student Level: a Polytechnic Student, an 'A' Level / IB / NUS High Student
Nationality: Singapore Citizen
Tenable Universities / Institutions: NUS
Term: Full Term
Locations: Singapore

The NUS Performing & Visual Arts Scholarship is awarded to highly-talented individuals who possess outstanding academic and performing & vi...
Student Level: a Polytechnic Student, an 'A' Level / IB / NUS High Student
Nationality: Singapore Citizen
Tenable Universities / Institutions: NUS
Term: Full Term
Locations: Singapore

The NUS Sports Scholarship is awarded to highly-talented individuals who possess outstanding academic and sports participation and representation r...
Student Level: a Polytechnic Student, an 'A' Level / IB / NUS High Student
Nationality: Singapore Citizen
Tenable Universities / Institutions: NUS
Term: Full Term
Locations: Singapore

The Science & Technology Undergraduate Scholarship is a freshmen scholarship offered to support outstanding students from Asian countries (excl...
Student Level: a Polytechnic Student, an 'A' Level / IB / NUS High Student
Nationality: Other Citizen
Tenable Universities / Institutions: NUS
Term: Full Term
Locations: Singapore

The Stephen Riady Young Entrepreneur Scholarship is awarded to exceptional individuals who aspire to be entrepreneurs. Recipients of the scholarshi...
Student Level: a Polytechnic Student, an 'A' Level / IB / NUS High Student
Nationality: Singapore Citizen
Tenable Universities / Institutions: NUS
Term: Full Term
Locations: Singapore

The University Engineering Scholarship (UES) is open to Polytechnic Diploma holders from Singapore who are pursuing a full-time Engineering or Tech...
Student Level: a Polytechnic Student
Nationality: Singapore Citizen, Singapore PR
Tenable Universities / Institutions: NTU, NUS, SIT, SUTD
Term: Full Term
Locations: Singapore

List of Donated Scholarships (NUS) BDS 71 ScholarshipThe BDS 71 Scholarship was established through the funds collected by the Dentistr...
Student Level: a University Student
Nationality: Singapore Citizen, Singapore PR, Other Citizen
Tenable Universities / Institutions: NUS
Term: Mid Term
Locations: Singapore

The Wee Cho Yaw Future Leaders Award, which is funded by the United Overseas Bank Limited, is awarded to financially needy students who exhibit int...
Student Level: a Polytechnic Student, an 'A' Level / IB / NUS High Student
Nationality: Singapore Citizen
Tenable Universities / Institutions: NUS
Term: Full Term
Locations: Singapore